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 Please offer your true information, and you must fill in all items marked with"*"

Member ID: * As the only identity of each customer, It consists of 2-12 characters, Member ID can't be repeated.
Password: * It can be used to confirm customer's identity when he (or she) signs in the website; it consists of 2-12 characters. Please remember your password.
Password: * Please retype your password for confirmation.
Security Question: * It can be applied if you forget your password, e.g. what is the name of my pet?
Your Answer: * Such as: TOM
True Name: * It shall be consistent with that indicated in your identity card, thus you can sign for your goods
Address: * Please offer your detailed address so that our goods can be delivered to the right destination.
Zip Code: * Zip Code of your place
Company: Your Company name
Tel: * Your daytime contact number.
Fax: Your Fax number.
Cell phone: Please offer your number if possible, thus we can contact you if necessary.
E-mail: Please offer your E-mail address so that you can enjoy more quality services.
QQ Number: You QQ Number.
Do you have any questions? Welcome to the Message Board to express your opinions.
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Online payment
Bank remittance
Post parcel
How to inquire about orders?
How to cancel orders?
How to return goods for others?
Order flow: Register/Login →Browse →Add to cart →Pick goods →Check-out →Dispatch on payment settled→ Receive goods →Finish
Copyright (c) 1996-2008 Tongxiang China Tongxiang Indigo Print Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved
Tel: 13819303609 88411259 88411701  Fax: 0086-573-88411538
E-mail: zjfkzyyylyy.3609@qq.com             QQ:1735807870